Information on Technology Devices and Student Supply List for 2020/21

Mon, 08/17/2020 - 2:28pm

Technology for the 2020-21 School Year

As previously announced, through grants and additional funds, HCPSS is able to purchase a sufficient number of devices necessary to eventually achieve a 1:1 student-to-device ratio for all students in grades pre-K through 12. HCPSS will provide a Chromebook computer to every student in middle school within the first quarter. While devices are being procured, parents/guardians of middle school students currently in need of a device may request one. Requests will be prioritized based on students’ access to personal devices meeting the minimum requirements.  In addition to Chromebooks, any family without access to the internet should notify the school system using the directions below. HCPSS is working with the Bright Minds Foundation and Comcast to support families who may be eligible to participate in the Comcast Internet Essentials program. Additionally, HCPSS will prioritize distribution of a limited number of hot spots to families who cannot obtain access to the internet. To identify your need for a Chromebook or internet:

  1. Parents/guardians should log into HCPSS Connect.

  2. From the left menu, last choice, select “More Options” then choose “Student Technology” from the center of the screen.

  3. On the HCPSS Student Technology screen, use the drop down arrows to indicate the Technology Requested for each student. Changes are saved immediately.

  4. If a device has already been issued, it will appear in the inventory list. If a student already has a device issued, a new request will not be processed.

  5. Families will receive a confirmation email with necessary information, including pickup location, date and time.

Student Supply List 

The Student Supply List for grades 6 through 8 is attached 


Thank you!

CMS Administration